Friday, November 5, 2010

How To Business... "Working With Others" - BizBit #2: Working With Intermediaries

Working With Others- BizBit #2: Working with Intermediaries

They go by many names: Middle Men, Brokers, Deal Facilitators or Intermediaries.... all positions between you and the goal.

It's important to understand these people play a large role in business transactions on a day to day basis.

You successfully interfacing with them can be the difference in a "deal done" and a "dead deal".

It helps to understand the difference between a broker and a principle contact. Typically, a broker's value is in who they know not what they know, while a principle player's value is the opposite, it's what they know not necessarily who they know.

Nonetheless,  the broker position is essential in getting certain deals done because they are the common point between you and potential opportunity. As in most relationships respect and communication are key values here...

Respect the position of the intermediary and clearly discuss and communicate what the compensation will include if and when the deal is consummated. Respecting these simple guidelines will allow for productive interactions with intermediaries.


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